Chartered Limousine
First Issue ?
"LS" prefix only issued to Limousines for hire. I have seen them on airport shuttle vans and oddly, medical supply transport vans.
flat over approximately number 2000, change made in 2009.
"standard design" began approx. 2016 with stacked L/S prefix. All previous designs replaced.
Fleet Vehicle
First issued 2002?
"FV" prefix black letters, white background considered Permanent, or flat-fee based on number of units (i.e. No stickers used)
Series started at FV10001
Began to be issued flat, 3rd quarter of 2009, between FV22500 and FV23200
Low Speed Vehicle
Government Low Speed Vehicle, see Government
First issued ???? "LV" prefix black letters, white background
"standard design" began approx. 2016 with stacked L/V prefix. All previous designs replaced.