Currently used prefix letters:
single letters:
A - Benedict College
B - Citadel
C - used as a prefix with number for Boards
(i.e., C04=Arts Comm; C142=Mining Council)
link: all C-code list
D - S.C. State University
E - "Keep It Beautiful" (Wildflower)
(internal code KB)
F - Francis Marion University
G - Furman University
H - Endangered Species (Eagle). no longer issued.
J - Bob Jones University
K - Endangered Species (Turtle)
L - Lander University
M - Wofford College
N - Southern Weslyan
N# - NASCAR series. no longer issued
P - Truck & Apportioned ♦
R - Rotary International
S - Converse College
T - Clemson University
U - University of South Carolina
V - Disabled Veteran (internal code DV)
W - handicapped
(hidden through 2009; suffix 2010-)
X - dealer
Y - Winthrop University
Z - motorcycle
two letters:
AB - Apportioned Bus
AC - Anderson College
AD - Adjutant General
AF - U.S. Armed Forces Retired
AF/A - Air Force Academy
AG - Farm Bureau (Our Farms/Our Future)
AH - Homeownership
AI - Clemson 2016 Football Nat'l Championship
AK - Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity
AL - University of Alabama
AM - Antique Motorcycle
AN - Autism Awareness
AQ - Cure Childhood Cancer
AR - Amateur Radio
AS - Appalachian State University
AU - Allen University
AV - antique auto/vehicle (hidden)
AZ - Parrothead
BB - Greenville Children's Hospital
BC - bus - common carrier
BD - Mississippi State Univ. Bulldogs
BE - Arts
BK - Share The Road
BM - BM Manufacturer (? possibly BMW)
BP - Boy Scouts of America/Eagle Scouts of America
BU - bus
BY - Boykin Spaniel Foundation
CA - Cattlemen's Association
CB - Breast Cancer Awareness
CC - County Council member
CD - Combat Disabled Veteran
CF - Carolina Panthers
CG - County Government
CH - College of Charleston
CL - Columbia College
CN - Coroner
CO - Coastal Carolina University
CP - Claflin College
CR - Reduce/Recycle/Reuse
CS - Charleston Southern University
CT - camper trailer
CV - Sons of Confederate Veterans
DC - Chiropractic Association
DC/N - Navy Cross
DF - Distinguished Flying Cross
DL - Donate Life
DM - Distinguished Medal (followed by another letter for branch of service)
DP - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
DS - Mothers Against Drunk Driving
DU - Ducks Unlimited
DV - Disabled Veteran
EA - Emergency Medical Services
ED - public college athletic departments, vehicles on loan
EF - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
EM - Emergency Medical Technician
EN - unknown
EQ - Equality
ER - Erskine College
EU - Education (hidden)
FF - Firefighter
FL - Former Legislator
FM - farm (now used as a suffix)
FP - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
FR - Forestry Association
FS - Florida State University
FT - Secular Humanists
FV - fleet vehicle
GA - University of Georgia
GF - Golf
GS - Gold Star Family
GT - In God We Trust (internal code)
HA - Ancient Free Masons
HC - transporter truck
HF - Aviation Hall of Fame
HH - Heritage Classic
HI - Hunting Island
HK - Virginia Tech
HL - H.L. Hunley
HP - Highway Patrol
HS - high schools (Wilson H.S., Nortwestern H.S.)
HT - house trailer
HV - Handicapped Veteran
IF - unknown
II - SC Stands With Israel
JC - I Believe
JD - unknown
JM - Multiple Sclerosis Society
KB - "Keep It Beautiful" (Wildflower)
(displayed code E)
KC - Surfrider Foundation
KE - Ohio State University
KI - Kiwanis International
KM - Kappa Alpha Psi
KS - Camp Sertoma
KT - camper trailer
KV - Korean Veteran
LC - Limestone College
LE - Fraternal Order of Police
LH - Morris Island Lighthouse
LK - Elks Association
LM - unknown
LN - Lions Club
LS - limousine
LV - low speed vehicle
MA - manufacturer
MC - Municipal Council member
ME - Medical University of S.C.
MG - Municipal Government
MH - Morris College
MM - Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
MP - moped
MR - Manufacturer/Repossessor
MS - Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
MT - North Greenville College (discontinued)
MU - MUSC Children's Hospital
MW - Coastal Conservation Association
MY - Mayor
MZ - unknown
NA - U.S. Naval Academy
NB - USC Baseball National Championship
NC - Newberry College
NF - Nurses Care
NG - National Guard
NU - North Greenville University
NR - unknown
NZ - NASCAR generic. no longer issued
PC - Presbyterian College
PD - Earth Echo (Protect Dolphins)
PH - Purple Heart
PK - NC State University
PL - Choose Life
PM - temporary Special Permit
PN - Penn Center
PS - 1/2 year Truck
PT - Apportioned/permanent trailer; motor carrier (suffix 2014-)
PU - Purdue University
PV - Apportioned/permanent trailer (followed PT)
QD - Quality Deer Management
RA - Prince Hall Order of the Eastern Star Mason
RC - rescue vehicle
RD - Research & Development
RE - Legislator
RF - Gone Fishing
RG - Regional Government
RH - Ronald McDonald House Charities
RJ - unknown
RM - Rocky Mountain Elk Association
RS - Troopers Association
RT - Coker College
SB - Bronze Star Veteran
SC - State Guard. no longer issued.
SD - Square & Round Dancers
SE - Senator (State)
SF - Marine Corps League
SG - State Government (suffix 2014-)
SH - Shag (hidden before 2015)
SI - Phi Beta Sigma
SM - special mobile vehicle
SN - No More Homeless Pets
SP - Special Olympics
SR - Shriners
SS - Silver Star Veteran
ST - Support Our Troops
TC - Trees SC
TD - Tree My Dog (Coonhunters)
TH - University of North Carolina
TK - Technology Alliance
TL - trailer & apportioned ♦
TM - Prince Hall Masons
TN - University of Tennessee
TP - temporary
TS - Tennis Patrons Foundation
TU - Trout Unlimited
TX - taxi
TZ - temporary motorcycle Special Permit
UC - unknown
UF - University of Florida
UP - permanent utility trailer
US - U.S. Military Reserve and Service Medals
US/N - Naval Petty Officer
UT - utility trailer
UU - unknown
VA - Veterans' Administration
VC - Voorhees College
VF - Volunteer Fireman
VL - American Red Cross
VT - Veteran
VV - Vietnam Veteran
WA - wholesale/auction
WB - USC Women's Basketball Nat'l Championship
WD - Palmetto Health Children's Hospital
WE - Auburn University
WF - Beaufort Water Festival
WL - DNR Wildlife series
WP - West Point
WS - Ancient & Free Masons
WT - Wild Turkey
WW - World War II Veteran
WX - Wholesaler (discontinued)
WZ - handicapped motorcycle
WZ previously Wholesaler Motorcycle (discontinued)
XA - Antique Dealer
XP - Heavy Duty Truck Dealer
XX - Auto/Truck Dealer
XZ - motorcycle dealer
YJ - Georgia Tech
Z* - all prefixes motorcycle (ZA reserved for Antique m/c)
♦ P - 10001 to 69999 used for Truck
70001 to 79999 used for Apportioned
♦ TL - 10001 to 69999 used for Trailer
70001 to 79999 used for Apportioned
3+ letters:
AFA - Air Force Academy
AGRIC - Agriculture Commissioner
APCT - Appeals Court
ATGEN - Attorney General
CCTL - Circuit Court At Large
CMGEN - Comptroller General
COACH - unknown
CODE - Code Commissioner
CRCT - Circuit Court
CUNU - N. Greenville University (NU displayed)
DVM - Disabled Veteran Motorcycle
EDUC - Department of Education
FDCT - Federal Court
GOVNR - Governor
LTGV - Lieutenant Governor
MOH - Medal of Honor
MSSC - Miss South Carolina
PHS - Pearl Harbor Survivor
POW - Prisoner of War
SCDE - Superintendent of Education
SECST - Secretary of State
SPPOT - House Speaker Pro Tem
STP - State Transport Police
STTRE - State Treasurer
SUPCT - Supreme Court
USA - United We Stand
USCON - U.S. Congress
USSE - U.S. Senate
WIN - Clemson 2018 Football Nat'l Championship