Year Stickers
Bicentennial Base plate (1976 - 1980)
State Outline Base plate (1981 - 1985)
(no 81 designation, sticker area blank)
Palmetto Base plate (1986 - 1990)
(86 screenprinted on the plate with design)
Wren Base plate (1991 - 1998)
(91 screenprinted on the plate with design)
1999 sticker applied only to January expirations, if renewed very early (rare)
Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places Base plate (1999 - 2009)
(99 screenprinted on the plate with design)
need photo of "thick" 06
need photo of "thick" 08
Sunrise Base plate (2009 - 2016+)
large plate number printed by 3M for direct mail plates (see Month stickers)
renewals through county tax offices used DMV stickers but may show the plate number in a different font.
large plate number printed by 3M for direct mail plates (see Month stickers)
For 2015, a "dot" system was devised to differentiate the white decals. "Dots" will rotate counter-clockwise each year.
stickers issued through local tax offices may print the sticker in a different font and/or text size
Combined month/year sticker began December 15, 2015 2016 late renewals or replacement stickers received combined month/year
New issues ended February/March 2016 with 2017 expiration. New issues would use DMV or local tax office renewal stickers (see below)
Renewals of 'sunrise base' continue through 2018+. Renewals would use DMV or local tax office renewal stickers (see below)
"While I Breathe, I Hope" Base (February 1, 2016-present)
2016 expirations would be for replacement plates only. Combined month/year sticker
stickers issued through local tax offices may print the sticker in a different font and/or text size
3M issue, far left
DMV issue, 2nd photo
local tax office renewal font variance, right two photos (probably for 'Sunrise base' only)
this image of a specialty plate is the only 2017 sticker I have found that used the rotating "dot" used for 2015 and 2016.
This plate would have had to been issued prior to December 15, 2016. Very rare and unusual because tax bills for January registrations generally are mailed by counties around the 10th of December.
3M issue, far left
DMV issue, 2nd photo
local tax office renewal font variance, right